Titles written by Dieter Schlagheck:
Number of documents found: 2
- Dieter Schlagheck
Title: vollstaendiges Astrolabium als Wanduhr [Ein...] [Powerpoint presentation on CD ROM]
SubTitle: [A complete Astrolabium as a wall clock]
Keywords: astronomical clock
Other Keywords: astrolabe
Edition: 2010, CD-ROM edition
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 14872 - Dieter Schlagheck
Title: vollstaendiges Astrolabium als Wanduhr [Ein...] [Printout of a Powerpoint presentation ]
SubTitle: [A complete Astrolabium as a wall clock]
Keywords: astronomical clock
Other Keywords: astrolabe astrolabium
Edition: 2010, hardcopy printout
Page or pages: 50
BHM No: 14873
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